Tree Size Guide
In our industry, trees are typically sized by the gallon. The number of gallons refers to the size of the tree's container, and not a the volume of the tree itself. Since different species and varieties of tree vary so greatly, this can make it hard to tell what you're getting solely based on gallons. That's why we've provided brief descriptions generalizing each gallon size and images for certain varieties of tree to ensure you're able to make the best decision for your needs!
Tree Sizes You'll Find on Our Website:
- 15 Gallon (Small): Most of our 15 gallon trees will be 8-10 feet tall depending on the variety. At this size trees are still quite narrow and will take several years to mature depending on the variety. This is why Shumard Red Oak is very popular, as this tree grows rapidly and is a great option if you want a good intersection between price and time to a mature tree.
- 30 Gallon (Medium): Most of our 30 gallon trees will be 9-11 feet tall depending on the variety. While 30 gallon trees are still fairly small, this is the size where they start to look much more full. 30 Gallon trees can still be moved with human power, but they are quite heavy.
- 45 Gallon (Full): Most of our 45 gallon trees will be 10-12 feet tall depending on the variety. This may seem like a small change compared to 30 gallon trees, but 45's are wider and much more full than 30 gallon trees. 45 Gallon trees can still be moved short distances with human power (if not too wet), but it is very difficult and not recommended for your safety.
- 65 Gallon (Large): Most of our 65 gallon trees will be 12-15 feet tall depending on the variety. At this size, the trees become very difficult to move and require large machinery and trailers to move.
- 95 Gallon (Very Large): Most of our 95 gallon trees will be 15-17 feet tall depending on the variety. Trees of this size will require heavy machinery to move and a very large trailer.
- 200 Gallon (HUGE): Most of our 200 gallon trees will be 15-25 feet tall depending on the variety. The variance gets quite large at this size as it will depend heavily on the variety of the tree. 200 gallon trees are enormous to move around and these are practically the largest, most mature trees you can buy. These trees require large specialized machinery to move and transport. The logistics of moving around something this large can be quite a task, but we have all the tools needed to get it done!
Size Comparison Photos: