Ornamental Trees
Ornamental trees typically only reach a height of 25 feet and serve to create a focal point in your landscape. These trees have excellent color characteristics and may provide the addition you need to turn your yard into an oasis. To see a size chart of some of our most common trees, click here!
Generic Size
6-8' Height
8-10' Height
10-15' Height
15-20' Height
15-25' Height
20-25' Height
20-30' Height
25-35' Height
30-35' Height
30-40' Height
40' Height
35-45' Height
40-50' Height
40-60' Height
50-60' Height
50-70' Height
40-80' Height
80' Height
60-90' Height
Spread (Width of Tree)
6-8' Spread
8-10' Spread
10' Spread
10-15' Spread
12-15' Spread
15-20' Spread
15-25' Spread
20-30' Spread
25-35' Spread
40' Spread
40-45' Spread
40-60' Spread
50-60' Spread
Fall Color
Delta Blues Chaste Tree - Vitex Agnus-Castus 'Piivac-II'

Delta Blues Chaste Tree - Vitex Agnus-Castus 'Piivac-II'
Blue Bayou Chaste Tree (Tree Form) - Vitex Agnus-Castus

Blue Bayou Chaste Tree (Tree Form) - Vitex Agnus-Castus